Bonjour, lovelies! This is my thinspo blog, I hope it motivates you as much as it does for me. Just so you know, I
don't recommend anyone 'becoming' anorexic or bulimic. I'm not pro ana because having a real eating disorder
is not cool. It sucks. It is painful. I would not wish this upon my enemy and I have a lot of those. Like I said that
this is my thinspo blog, it helps me from binging. I have another blog, that I call my 'journal', If you want to check it
out, go for it.. the link is . It helps me with everything in my life! :)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

'Pain doesn't tell you when you ought to stop. Pain is the little voice in your head that tries to hold you back because it knows that if you continue, you will change. Don't let it stop you from being who you can be. Exhaustion tells you when you ought to stop. You only reach your limit when you can go no further'


  1. I like your posts like this... I'm not really sure why, but it must be said that it really gives you something to think about...more perspective on things. Thank you!


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