Bonjour, lovelies! This is my thinspo blog, I hope it motivates you as much as it does for me. Just so you know, I
don't recommend anyone 'becoming' anorexic or bulimic. I'm not pro ana because having a real eating disorder
is not cool. It sucks. It is painful. I would not wish this upon my enemy and I have a lot of those. Like I said that
this is my thinspo blog, it helps me from binging. I have another blog, that I call my 'journal', If you want to check it
out, go for it.. the link is . It helps me with everything in my life! :)

Monday, June 27, 2011

People say that the bad memories cause the most pain but actually it's the good ones that drive you insane

1 comment:

  1. the good ones make me wishih ad more good ones adn i know i wont have many more sucks


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